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Kick Out the Holiday Blues While Dating a Ukrainian Woman Online

woman on a couch with her laptop
Kiev Personals Communicate with your online Ukrainian date through chatting

Being alone and lonely in this yuletide season gives you more reason to pursue your desire of dating a Ukrainian woman. If you’ve found one online, congratulations. Now the real challenge lies in maintaining the relationship during this holiday season.

True to all television specials and truer in most season’s greeting cards, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. The mood is festive, mommy kisses Santa Claus, and jingle bells rock. Anywhere you go, people give and receive love. Or is there?

You might recall a similar scenario from your previous experience: failed long-distance relationships. Struggles and hurdles are common and there are always a lot of things you can do to get through them. Just imagine that Santa may have wanted to shed some pounds. So if he can merrily ho-ho-ho despite his shortcomings, why can’t you?

Maintaining an online relationship is a tough nut to crack. If you’re dreading the experience of a failed relationship again because of the distance, here’s what might be causing your holiday blues and what you can do about them:

  1. Your concern: expectations aren’t met.

Take away the snuggling and cuddling in front of the fireplace, the family gatherings, the late-night outdoor candle-lit dinners, the Christmas songs, the kissing under the mistletoe, the decorative lights, the trimmings, and the exchanging of gifts on Christmas morning, and ask yourself if Christmas is still as meaningful as it was back in the good ol’ days? Does it still have the wide-eyed wonder and the jovial spirit it once had when you were still with your wife or were still dating someone?

The idea of a romantic Christmas painted for you and the reality of your relationship status today creates a stark contrast to what should be and what is. People stay or go for a reason. Lifestyle changes and societal differences between then and now breed disappointment when it comes to choosing a partner.

Not to mention the language barrier, the feeling of inadequacy, the distance, and the longing for intimacy. Surely, these aren’t what you expect of an ideal Christmas with an online Ukrainian date. And because the kind of holiday you’re experiencing today fails to fit into the picture of a perfect Christmas, you begin to harbor cynicism, frustration, and disappointment. You begin to start losing interest in communicating with your Kiev woman and eventually experience deja vu - a failed long-distance relationship.

Achieving the “perfect Christmas” is setting yourself up for disappointment. Keep your expectations for this holiday to be realistic by not trying to make it the best season ever. Be sensible about what you and your Ukrainian date can and can’t do. It is normal in an online long-distance relationship to feel sad at times.

Expect and accept imperfections in your current relationship with a Ukrainian woman. Although the yuletide is considered to be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s okay to “grinch” on some things on your to-do list with your Ukrainian date. Accepting that all relationships are not rainbows and butterflies will allow you to see the holidays in a whole new light.

Explain to her why you won’t be able to spend Christmas with her for now. You can also tell her that your long-distance relationship is temporary. Doing so will give your girlfriend in Kiev the idea that you’re committed to seeing her being with her in the future.

  1. Your concern: feeling isolated.

When you’re thrust to the other side of the globe and light-years away from your Ukrainian woman, feelings of isolation and loneliness inevitably kick in. When the holiday season calls you and gives you the idea of getting together with your partner is what Christmas is all about, being alone suddenly becomes an incurable virus.

Holiday blues magnify self-pity and sadness that no amount of fireworks, Noche Buena, festive trimmings, or Christmas carols can alleviate. Seeing coo-some twosomes cuddling in a corner and watching lovers shopping for gifts for each other can be an eyesore.

man sitting on a couch with his laptop
Kiev Personals Stay connected with your online partner to kick out the holiday blues.

It’s challenging to stay on top of your mental and emotional health when you’re distant from your Ukrainian girlfriend. Cheer up and utilize instant messaging apps, social media platforms, and the Internet as a convenient way of communication. Knowing the time difference between your countries, you’ll get the idea of when is the best time to call her.

If all else fails, steer clear of sad Christmas songs.

  1. Your concern: aging

Another year has passed, Christmas is here once again, and you still haven’t tied the knot just yet. Aging and looking for a Ukrainian girl for marriage puts you under pressure. As one grows older, expectations widen so possibilities of disappointment become evident. It’s a harsh reality but the truth nonetheless, age has a lot to do with our definition of relationship and marriage.

woman facing at the back in a snowy forest
Kiev Personals Set realistic expectations with yourself and to your woman to avoid disappointment

People always have something to say, whether good or bad. Hence, don’t mind those who are talking negatively about your relationship with your Ukrainian woman. All that matters is that you and your partner are happy, content, and on good terms.

There’s completely nothing wrong with marrying a Ukrainian woman who’s not your age unless it’s against your will. Stop worrying about your age, instead, focus on maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner, be it online or offline.

  1. Your concern: financial constraints.

Airline tickets skyrocket during the holidays. So if you’re unable to book one going to Kiev, there’s always next time. Keep in mind you also need to book accommodation and spend money on food.

If you have thousand-megawatt purchasing power for the holidays, then you wouldn’t have any problem going to Kiev and spending time with her this Christmas. If you think financial constraints are keeping you from traveling, then it’s fine. You wouldn’t want to spend a hefty sum just to be with her for a short period, right?

Tell her that you’re weighing your options and you’re taking control of the situation. Explain to her that you’re planning for a long-term stay in Kiev and you need to manage your finances.

Kick away the negativity this holiday season and let the jingle bells rock!

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