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Now that you have a clear understanding of the Kiev dating culture, you must be very excited to start planning for your first date. What concerns you the most? Do not overthink, just start at ground zero: the preparation phase. From choosing the most romantic places within the city, to choosing the best outfit to wear, and other details to ensure your date is extra special.
With all the aspects you need to consider, planning the first date can certainly induce a lot of pressure. But with adequate preparation however, it can be easy-peasy. While there are a lot of things to prepare beforehand, the most important aspect to prepare is yourself.
A date is always a special occasion because it is a collaborative and meaningful exchange of questions and answers between two people. They say, “Asking the right questions is getting the right answers”. However, you can’t just ask your Kiev date any question you randomly think of. Due to your cultural differences, questions must be thought of with sensitivity.
Dating is a two-way street and by considering your date’s culture, you can make memorable conversations. In doing so, you can show your interest in her, without unintentionally insulting or offending her. When it comes to dating, the most important aspect isn’t always how you start the date; rather, it’s how you maintain a positive and lighthearted tone from the start until the night ends.
While you may impress your Kiev date at the beginning, there are many things that will occur in between that can affect your chances with her. It’s important to take note that Kiev women are great conversationalists, especially when it’s a topic of their interest. Due to their dating culture however, it’s expected that the man is the one who initiates such conversations.
To help with having a successful first date, this article will relay some helpful pointers that you can take note of.
Asking the right questions can be considered an art form. It is the creative way of finding things that you have in common with your date. Always remember that the purpose of asking questions is to ease you into a natural flow of conversation; not just to pepper her with inquiries. Once you have found a topic that both of you are hooked on, you can spend more time on it.
You can take some of these prepared questions and construct your own, based on these examples. These are suitable questions to jump-start a memorable dating experience with your potential Kiev bride:
Or in other words, “What are your hobbies?”. Hobbies are activities a person loves doing, whereas interests can be activities that a person hasn’t tried, but is really interested or excited to try someday.
This is one of the most casual ways of opening up a conversation. By asking this, you will get to know more about the personality of your date. You can find out whether she is an indoor or outdoor person, introvert or extrovert, sporty or adventurous, and so on.
Kiev women are known for being family-oriented. This is rooted by how much they value their family and how they hold them in high regard. Asking her questions about her parents, siblings, or anything about her family can be the best opportunity to hear stories about them firsthand.
Travel experiences --- especially adventurous ones, are generally one of the most exciting topics to share. Your date might have a memorable experience to recount. Also, this can be the best time for you to ask which places in Kiev are the best to visit. This can give you an idea of where to go and which activities to partake in, especially if your date goes well and you’ve scheduled a succeeding one.
Each one of us has aspirations in life. This can be a serious topic to tackle and can somehow change the mood of the conversation. However, it is meaningful and will allow you to get to know her more.
Kiev women are goal-oriented people by nature. By asking her this question, you are giving your Kiev lady the chance to freely share and express her plans in the near future. If your date goes well then who knows, you too, could be part of her future plans someday.
When it’s your first date with a Kiev woman, you’re essentially still strangers at this point. The whole point of dating is to get to know the other person. Nevertheless, we tend to be wary towards people we hardly know, and this can lead to being careful when asking questions or talking about different topics.
In line with this, there are also a couple of questions that you should avoid asking. By avoiding these topics, you can also avoid messing up a potentially perfect date. In general, Kiev single women don’t expect their dates to bring up questions relating to politics, history, finance, religion, past relationships, and intimate topics.
Your date may be going well, but when you suddenly ask the wrong question, the positive impression you’ve made will all be in vain. To avoid spoiling the good time you’re having together, here are some topics that are best left unasked:
There is a famed saying that goes, “The past is past; never discuss”. At times, asking this question can bring a lot of painful or traumatic emotions from past experiences. While most of us may not have forgotten about it, we often pretend to do so.
Asking this kind of question is not advisable in any culture. If you happen to ask this, you are making your date potentially reminisce her hurtful past. It is never easy to think about what happened in past relationships. What matters most is the present, and that she is with you now.
Never think of asking any money-related questions. It will be a real turn off for her if you open topics about finances, especially if you ask her about how much she makes. While talking about her career is acceptable, asking an upfront question like this is definitely not a good impression to make.
In case she’s currently unemployed or is pursuing other interests, you can alternatively talk about her dream job or the profession that she wants to pursue.
Religion is one of the most sensitive topics among all. Due to some differences you may have when it comes to your religious beliefs, drawing comparisons or even misunderstanding, may sometimes be unavoidable when the topic is brought up.
However, you can avoid this from happening between you too, by avoiding this question on your first date. Besides, you can always bring this up with her, once you guys are more comfortable with each other already.
A topic like this on a first date is inappropriate. You can come off as too strong and the question is too intimate. Kiev ladies are uncomfortable talking about intimate topics, especially sensual ones. These women are traditional, which means they prefer to talk about such topics once they get to know their partner more first.
Knowing more about her regrets and other similar topics is not absolutely wrong. It can be the best time for you to sympathize, however, it is not really necessary. It is still best to set a positive vibe during your entire date. You don’t want your Kiev lady to remember depressing moments in her life.
Remember that it is not always about which questions to ask, but also how and when to ask them. Nonetheless, it’s important to take note of these questions beforehand. Since you are taking part in a spontaneous conversation, avoid sounding scripted; act natural and simply be yourself.
You can find more helpful tips on our website such as how to meet women in Kiev, by signing up for free. Not only that, you can also arrange your first ever date with these Kiev personals in one of our exciting singles’ tours.