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Nowadays, online dating has become the quickest and most convenient way of finding love. Hot Ukrainian women are just a scroll and a click away. You can easily start conversations with them online, and if ever it worked in the virtual, meeting them out in real life is always an option. If you’re signed up in a 100% free Ukraine dating site, then it’s much better.
Dating a Ukrainian woman online will also feel the same as the traditional. However, online dating is more fraught with uncertainties, which is why there are a lot of things you need to sort out before seeing her offline. Knowing when to meet her face to face is the first step. This is because you don’t just ask her right away and risk your first date for awkwardness.
The shift from online chat to real-life first date is a real thing. For a couple of days from now, you seem to have had an online chemistry and really enjoyed your virtual chitchats. However, before asking her out for a meet-up in person, there are some things you have to keep in mind. Yes, you want to date a Ukrainian and finally have a Ukraine girlfriend but you do need to remind yourself to take it slow.
Take the time you need in getting to know each other first. Rule of thumb is three days and no more than that—particularly applicable to those who are within your vicinity. This span of days is enough that you know better about each other but not to the point of oversharing. You know it yourself that there are some things you’d rather not talk about in person, but you already shared to your online date. In cases like this, you’ll likely end up talking about it and risk an awkward conversation. However, deciding on the right time to finally meet her offline really depends on the amount of information you learned about her. Before finally meeting her for real, do the following:
Basically, this is about their authenticity and your safety. According to a recent study, 76% of people search about their dates for at least 15 minutes before meeting them. So, it’s not a creepy thing to do a little background search. It can’t hurt knowing more than what your date is willing to put in her profiles on one of Ukrainian dating sites. However, don’t go overboard; take it as a grain of salt. But how much is too much detective work? When you get to know every bit of detail in her life and it starts clouding your perception of the real her. For instance, you may try to like her even before knowing if you have chemistry or not just because she’s everything likeable in your research. Don’t spill to her all the things that you found about her, as well, or else she’ll see you like a legit creep. Let her reveal about herself, which is also a way to know if she’s telling the truth or not. On the other hand, if nothing comes up in your research, then it’s a definite red flag. In this case, you may confront the woman that her lack of online presence is bothering you, so you can have the time to decide whether she’s worth the go or not.
While she’s all the same on and offline, are you ready to interact with her in the real world and officially let her into your life? Her being your online interest was just a speck of your online social circle, and a small part of your world. Deciding to finally see her will need you to be emotionally prepared. If you think you’re willing to let her into your life, then take the shot of asking her out.
Most people find their own voice sounding weird. How much more it’d be hearing another person’s voice for the first time? You’d most likely feel nervous that your date finally hears your voice, and vice versa. The best way to ease through this stage is actual human interaction. Yes, pick your phone up for a call or request a quick video call for a few times before meeting her up. It may seem awkward but 3 minutes of call with it is better than hours of awkward first date in real life. With texts or chats, you may sometimes have a friend over your shoulder to help you with creating responses but with a call, it’s between you and the woman. This is one way to determine who she really is and to help you both decide if you’re ready taking the plunge.
The biggest cause of disappointment for online dating in Ukraine is not knowing what one wants and doesn’t want in a relationship. For instance, you’re uninterested in dating a smoker but hasn’t made it clear before meeting her. You’ll be much disappointed if your date turns out having one pack a day habit. Your date will most likely end up hurt and disappointed as well.
It will be your first meeting and first date, so you’d want both of you to have a great time. By now, you may already have shared a lot about each other, such as your common interests, favorite food, hobbies, activities, and more. Use this information from your online interaction to plot the most suitable venue and activity for an ideal first date.
Obviously, this is about your safety. But hey, don’t friends stick with you through tough times? In case you don’t feel connections at all with your date and the event has gotten too awkward or tense, then you know who to call. You can also have them contact you with an emergency to give you an out. However, this isn’t the best fix. If you want an exit, be direct about it.
She may be perfectly loveable online, but don’t let that much get into your head. She may be less talkative, cheerful, or outgoing than online. How to date with healthy, real-life expectations? Don’t set the bar too high or expect that you’d be disappointed in the end either. Intead, look at it as an opportunity to meet someone who can be compatible with you, not more or less.
Dating a Ukrainian woman is supposed to be a fun experience. Laugh and enjoy yourself. Have fun!